Overview of funding program utilizing an insurance wrap policy, designed for lenders and private equity firms, and investors requiring a loan guarantee to mitigate loss. This insurance wrap loan program is available through our associate's provider program. 


  1. How it all works, the insurance wrap funding program is through insurance wraps policies and is designed for investors looking to raise large amounts of capital in the shortest possible time, (90 to 120 days or less). 

  2. Use of Funds: The funds can be used for business or commercial projects and offer the first 100% loan guarantee component, to mitigate loss for lenders' and investor's cash investments. 

  3. Raise Billions: To raise millions of dollars requires an insurance wrap surety policy for protection and loan approval with lenders today. This program is designed specifically to insure loans and lost mitigation as a loan guarantee. 

  4. Deposit: The program minimum deposit amount is 15% or $15M for $150M in full coverage. All associated costs for due diligence, underwriting, client background checks, and project approvals are included in that fee. 

  5. Total Coverage: The minimum total coverage will be $150M starting on day 1 of the initial 15% attorney escrow deposit and continuing coverage for 1 year after the provider issues the insurance binder to the borrowers and/or lenders. 

  6. Low Investment Loan Program: - we realize most investors do not want to part ways with $15M initially, however, we do offer a lower initial deposit of $500,000 to enter the program.

  7. Note: Deposit funds will need to be invested short term to grow the deposit to the minimum $15M if you cannot meet the stated minimum requirements.

  8. Deposit of $500K: To utilize the minimum $500K wrap loan program, the pay for $150M insurance coverage, takes approximately (90 - 120 days). If interested, please contact us for further details about this specialized loan program! 


Good luck, and we look forward to answering any questions or concerns you may have about this unique insurance wrap funding initiative for individual borrowers and investors who require coverage and financing for their major projects or developments around the world!


Basic Checklist of Items to begin:

  • KYC / CIS (origin and history of funds)
  • Execute NCNDA
  • POF on (Bank letterhead and two bak officer signatures, assuming multiple accounts due to the large amount)
  • Executive Summary (re: Explain the ultimate use or the destination funds.)
  • RWA - to send funds via wire must be (Clean, Clear funds designation)
  • RWA - to execute engagement agreement with Business Ingenuity Group (Its successors and/or assigns) to fully engineer funds within an executed financial guarantee structure.
  • POA Agreement - with (Business Ingenuity Group) - to engineer Funds




 Disclosure: BlackSpear Funding nor Business Inginuity Group, is an insurance provider, bank, or lender, we are private commercial loan consultants, and the insurance wrap policy will be provided by an outside firm we have a relationship with and/or their affiliated associates.. We work on a private referral basis with several financial services firms and do not receive any insurance or broker fees for providing these insurance services. Our focus is on closing borrower's commercial real estate transactions as they use our consulting services.